Rune Slayer Wiki

The Best Rune Slayer Class & Tier List

The Best Rune Slayer Class & Tier List

As with any RPG, Rune Slayer are several classes to choose from, such as Archer, Warrior, Thief, and more. To help you choose the best for you we maked this.

Rune Slayer Class Tier List

There are 6 different main classes to choose from in Rune Slayer and each class with 2-3 evolvable sub classes. The best is Archer & Priest

Don't forget to check out the unique sub-classes for each class
(you can click on the icon to jump there quickly)

Rune Slayer Classes, Stats & Features

Ready to choose your Class in Rune Slayer? Here's the Stats informations for each class.

This class specializes in long range attacks with a bow.

Increase Stats Per Level
  • +3 Agility

  • +1 Stamina

  • +1 Spirit


This class excels in melee combat wielding a sword as their primary weapon.

Increase Stats Per Level
  • +3 Strength

  • +2 Stamina


This class excels in using Magic along with a staff as their primary weapon.

Increase Stats Per Level
  • +3 Intellect

  • +2 Spirit


This class excels at being quick and attacking at a fast rate wielding daggers.

Increase Stats Per Level
  • +3 Agility

  • +1 Stamina

  • +1 Strength


This class excels at close-ranged combat using their fists.

Increase Stats Per Level
  • +3 Stamina

  • +2 Strength


This class excels in using Magic along with a staff as their primary weapon.

Increase Stats Per Level
  • +3 Spirit

  • +2 Intellect


Sub-Classes of Rune Slayer

There are 6 different classes in Rune Slayer, which can be derived from 18 sub-classes. Below is a breakdown of the abilities of all the these.

Archer Sub-Classes

Archer has 2 sub-classes, which are: Beast Tamer, Sharpshooter.

Beast Tamer

Beast Tamer is an sub-class for Archer


  • Alpha Predator

    Allows you to tame beasts.

  • Bestial Swiftness

    Increased movement speed while riding a mount.


  • Feral Strikes

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Induces your pet to heal in proportion to the damage inflicted.


Sharpshooter is an sub-class for Archer


  • Double Tap

    Your Ballistic Shot has chance to fire two arrows.


  • Dragon Piercer

    Drain: 35 Focus

    A powerful,supercharged shot capable of piercing even the tough scales of a dragon.

  • Ballistic Shot

    Drain: 15 Focus

    A powerful,supercharged shot capable of piercing even the tough scales of a dragon.

Warrior Sub-Classes

Warrior has 3 sub-classes, which are: Berserker, Knight, Sword Master.


Berserker is an sub-class for Warrior


  • Blood Craze

    After killing an enemy you gain 25 rage and 30% movement speed for 8 seconds.

  • Rage

    A resource harnessed by Berserker skills, generated through the heat of battle.

  • Bloodlust

    Gain physical damage and lifesteal based on your miss health.


  • Blood Thirst

    Drain: 20 Focus, 50 Rage

    Channel your rage into a devastating two-strike attack, each blow restoring a portion of your health.

  • Enrage

    Drain: 40 Rage

    Enter a frenzied state, harnessing your rage to fuel relentless power.


Knight is an sub-class for Warrior


  • Exhaust

    Exhaust your posture to acquire temporary damage reduction.

  • Fortress

    When using a shield skill tha causes you to block, you can be guardbroken.


  • Iron Will

    Drain: 20 Focus

    While active, you absorb a portion of the damage taken by nearby party members within a certain range.

  • Shield Slam

    Drain: 25 Focus

    Slam the area around you with your shield,generating high threat.

  • Shield Crash

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Charge forward with your shield, hitting and blocking anything in your way.

Sword Master

Sword Master is an sub-class for Warrior


  • Flux

    When you land a attack within your field, you have a chance to gain a stack. Each stack causes your Flicker Strike to hit your primary target an additional time.


  • Flicker Strike

    Drain: 25 Focus

    A piercing strike that,when used within the field,allows you to flicker to your target and chain through all enemies inside.

  • Field

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Place a field that allows Flicker Strike to teleport directly to your enemies.

Magician Sub-Classes

Magician has 2 sub-classes, which are: Sorcerer, Warlock.


Sorcerer is an sub-class for Magician


  • Arcane Charges

    Landing a spell has a chance to grant you an Arcane Charge.

  • Arcane Mend

    Restore yourself using 2 arcane charges.


  • Arcane Explosion

    Drain: 100 Mana

    Consume an Arcane Charge to unleash a powerful arcane explosion.

  • Arcane Finale

    Drain: 200 Mana

    Upon reaching maximum Arcane Charges,unleash them to cast a powerful finale spell, delivering devastating magical energy.


Warlock is an sub-class for Magician


  • Sacrifice

    Dismiss your current demon, reclaiming its essence as souls.

  • Summon Fiend

    Summons a fiend with souls.

  • Summon

    Summons an imp with souls.

  • Souls

    A resource obtained by creatures killed with Soul Steal.

  • Soul Link

    Your demons will take a portion of your damage taken.


  • Soul Steal

    Drain: 100 Mana

    Rip the soul from a defeated foe, harvesting its essence upon execution.(The target must be near your level).

Thief Sub-Classes

Thief has 2 sub-classes, which are: Assassin, Ninja.


Assassin is an sub-class for Thief


  • Greater Initiative

    Your attacks inflict greater damage when you catch your enemy off guard.


  • Veil

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Veil yourself in the shadows.

  • Shadow Step

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Step through the shadows to get to your target.

  • Gouge

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Once in close range,seize a humanoid target and viciously slash their eyes,leaving them blinded.


Ninja is an sub-class for Thief


  • Sky Rend

    Successfully landing Rising Fang grants you the ability to unleash Sky Rend.


  • Shukuchi

    Makes your dash instant.

  • Rising Fang

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Deliver a swift upward slash that launches both you and your enemy into the air.

  • Rend

    Drain: 25 Focus

    Dash swiftly through your enemies,launching them into the air upon impact.

Striker Sub-Classes

Striker has 2 sub-classes, which are: Ashura, Monk.


Ashura is an sub-class for Striker


  • Wrath

    Landing Asura's Crash will give you Wrath.


  • Asura's Wrath

    Uses your built up wrath to power up.

  • Asura's Crash

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Teleport behind them to slam them back to the ground with devastating force.Can only be used after knocking an opponent into the air.


Monk is an sub-class for Striker


  • Spirit Finisher

    Activating Spirit Shift after landing a Spirit Burst finisher teleports you behind the enemy.

  • Spirit Cleanse

    Chance to reset the cooldown of Spirit Burst after landing a Spirit Burst Finisher.


  • Spirit Shift

    Transform your stance, ots embracing a new spirit form.

  • Spirit Burst

    Drain: 25 Focus

    Unleash a burst of energy,its effect shifting with your current stance.

Priest Sub-Classes

Priest has 1 sub-classes, which are: Cleric.


Cleric is an sub-class for Priest


  • Angelic Wings

    Chance to Grant Angelic Wings after casting Holy Light or Flash Heal.


  • Clarity

    Focus your mind in a moment of divine clarity, making your spells cost no resources and increasing critical strike chance for a short duration.

  • Divine Healing

    Your healing spells restore a portion of their healing to effect you.

  • Angelic Guardian

    Drain: 100 Mana

    Bless an ally with divine grace, increasing their healing received and reviving them upon death.

Youtube Guide for Rune Slayer Classes

Maybe you'd be happier to just watch a video explaining Classes-related content, which is something you'd want: Rune Slayer Classes

How to Get the NEW Assassin Set in Rune Slayer

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