Rune Slayer WikiClasses

Striker Stats, Skills & Sub-Classes

Striker Stats, Skills & Sub-Classes

This class excels at close-ranged combat using their fists.

Increase Stats Per Level

  • Strength+2

    Increases the damage you deal with your sword/axe/spear

  • Stamina+3

    Increases your max health


  • Gauntlet Training

    Unlocks Gauntlet Weapon

  • Light Armor

    Unlocks Light Armor

Striker Passive

As you level up, Striker will unlock more passives, and the Striker currently has 0 unlockable passives.

The Passives for Striker are still being sorted out and will be coming soon

Striker Active Skills

As you level up, Striker will unlock more active skills, and the Striker currently has 0 unlockable skills.

The Skills for Striker are still being sorted out and will be coming soon

Striker Sub Classes

The Striker features 2 branching sub-classes that players can upgraded from when they reach level 30 on their chosen class.


Ashura is an sub-class for Striker


  • Wrath

    Landing Asura's Crash will give you Wrath.


  • Asura's Wrath

    Uses your built up wrath to power up.

  • Asura's Crash

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Teleport behind them to slam them back to the ground with devastating force.Can only be used after knocking an opponent into the air.


Monk is an sub-class for Striker


  • Spirit Finisher

    Activating Spirit Shift after landing a Spirit Burst finisher teleports you behind the enemy.

  • Spirit Cleanse

    Chance to reset the cooldown of Spirit Burst after landing a Spirit Burst Finisher.


  • Spirit Shift

    Transform your stance, ots embracing a new spirit form.

  • Spirit Burst

    Drain: 25 Focus

    Unleash a burst of energy,its effect shifting with your current stance.