Rune Slayer Wiki

Rune Slayer Races & Tier List

Rune Slayer Races & Tier List

There are 7 different races can race for players to play in Rune Slayer, each with its unique passive or unique upgrades, here is our Rune Slayer Tier list.

Rune Slayer Races Tier List

You will to get a random race when you begin your journey in Rune Slayer, and if you're not lucky enough, then you need to check this Tier List to make sure your roll race better than yet.

Don't forget to check out the unique passive & active for each race
(you can click on the avatar to jump there quickly)

All Rune Slayer Races

Ready to start playing Rune Slayer, here are all the Races in the game and their unique passives!


25.3% Roll Chance

Humans are highly adaptable, with an exceptional ability to sustain their resources,making them well-suited for any scenano.

  • When below 50% hp gain 15% dmg buff and 15% dmg reduction

  • You deal more dmg to the undead

  • +1 Focus efficiency, +2 Mana efficiency

  • Requirement: 50 Hunger

    Harness your hunger to fuel a powerful burst of stamina.


25.3% Roll Chance

Elves are expert hunters, boasting a superior capacity for precision and endurance compared to other races. Masters of stealth,they excel at remaining unseen.

  • +3% speed, +10% CD reduction, +10% Stealth

  • 10% more mana

  • 5% more focus

  • Requirement: Lv.15 Skill

    Become invinsible temporarily


25.3% Roll Chance

Brutal and resilient,Orcs are built for battle.Their strong bodies endure harsh conditions,their hunger drives relentless aggression,and their endurance lets them thrive in extreme heat.

  • +10% more base health regen

  • +15% Higher max hunger

  • +20% more heat resistance


10% Roll Chance

In Rune Slayer the Ailuran are the fastest moving race, running faster and jumping higher than the other races, giving them an advantage when exploring the map as well as fleeing from combat!

  • +8% speed boost

  • 10% fire resistance, +25% heat & cold resistance

  • +25% jump height, +15% fall damage reduction


6% Roll Chance

Slimes are definitely the top tier of races in Rune Slayer, with the ability to split into smaller Slimes to fight when a Slime player is attacked, and a high immunity to status ailments.

  • -7.5% Magic Resistance, -7.5% Fire Resistance, +25% Immunity

  • When struck, there is a chance to release a bob of slime

  • Requirement: 10 Magic

    Sacrifice some hp to unleash a powerful slime shockwave.

  • Your slime transforms into a deadly black ooze,enhancing its potency as a poison.This transformation also empowers your Viscous Shock.

  • Your foes burst into slime upon death.

  • Your slime now rejuvenates targets on impact and restores mana when absorbed.

Half Golem

6% Roll Chance

Half Golems move slower, but have higher weight and lifesteal, as well as damage reduction, in addition to unique racial upgrades.

  • -5% max speed, +5% dmg reduction, +10 max weight, +25% robustness

Racial Upgrade
  • -10% Speed Boost, +10% Damage Reduction, +5% Magic Resistance, +25 Max Weight, +25% Robustness

  • +12% Attack Power Buff, +6% Speed Boost, -10% Damage Reduction, +25% Robustness

  • +12% Magic Power Buff, +6% Speed Boost, -10% Damage Reduction, +25% Robustness


2% Roll Chance

Dullahan is an extremely rare Legendary Profession in Rune Slayer with high damage reduction and a passive skill that allows it to heal itself when it kills an enemy.

  • Slight health restore on killing enemies

  • +25% Robustness, +25% Cold Resistance, -20% Holy Resistance

  • Pop off your head and use it like a camera

  • Requirement: Lv.15 Skill

    Lunge forward and sweep with your scythe

Youtube Guide for Rune Slayer Races

Maybe you'd be happier to just watch a video explaining Races-related content, which is something you'd want: Rune Slayer Guides

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