Rune Slayer WikiClasses

Warrior Stats, Skills & Sub-Classes

Warrior Stats, Skills & Sub-Classes

This class excels in melee combat, wielding a sword as their primary weapon.

Increase Stats Per Level

  • Strength+3

    Increases the damage you deal with your sword/axe/spear

  • Stamina+2

    Increases your max health


  • Sword Training

    Unlocks Swords Weapon

  • Medium Armor

    Unlocks Medium Armor

Warrior Passive

As you level up, Warrior will unlock more passives, and the Warrior currently has 8 unlockable passives.

Lv. 4

Shield Training

Unlocks Shields

Lv. 6

Focus Training

Increases Focus Regeneration

Lv. 17

Focus Training 2

Increases Focus Regeneration

Lv. 18


Successful Parry gives Damage Reduction

Lv. 20

Sword Mastery

Increases Sword Damage by 10%

Lv. 23

Greater Counter

If you counter a stronger attack, the counterattack will be stronger.

Lv. 27

Focus Training 3

Increases your regeneration to be 3x as fast.

Lv. 35

Counter Force

Gain a damage bonus after being struck while in hyper armor.

Warrior Active Skills

As you level up, Warrior will unlock more active skills, and the Warrior currently has 12 unlockable skills.

Lv. 0

Slashing Strike

An exceptionally swift slash.

Lv. 5

Battle Aura

+25% Attack Power, + 5% Speed Boost, +5% Damage reduction (Active | 18s Duration)

Lv. 8


Two spin slashes in the direction you aim.

Lv. 10

Slashing Strike Evolution

  • Four-Fold Slash of Light

    Unleashes four quick slashes in front of you. Air variant sends projectiles.

  • Mortal Strike

    A powerful downward cleave. Enemies hit take 33% more damage from you.

  • Shield Bash

    Requires a shield. Strikes the enemy with your shield while auto-blocking is active

Lv. 13


Dash forward towards your target to close the gap.

Lv. 15

Battle Aura Evolution

  • Fierce Battle Aura

    Temporarily Increases Damage

  • Swift Battle Aura

    Temporarily Increases Movement Speed

  • Fortified Battle Aura

    Temporarily Increases Defense

Lv. 16


Enter a stance. If attacked in this stance, you counterattack with i-frames, dealing a strong strike followed by 4–6 weaker attacks.

Lv. 21

Hindsight Slash

Deliver a slash. If this slash hits, you will do another follow-up slash.

Lv. 25

Battle Aura Evolution 3

You will receive 2 choices based off of your previous chosen battle aura.

  • Fierce Battle Aura

    • Savage Battle Aura

      A battle aura that focuses entirely on enhancing your arm.

    • Warrior's Battle Aura

      Shout and give you and your allies offensive benefits.

  • Swift Battle Aura

    • Rapid Battle Aura

      Increased speed.

    • Alacrity Battle Aura

      Exhaust 35% of ability cooldowns in exchange for speed.

  • Fortified Battle Aura

    • Aegis Battle Aura

      Manifest a shield that absorbs incoming damage.

    • Protective Battle Aura

      A defensive aura that strengthens and regenerates your body.

Lv. 28

Whirl Wind

Spin for 2-4 seconds, dealing medium damage to nearby enemies.

Lv. 36


Leap forward, stunning and dealing damage on impact.

Lv. 40

Thrusting Strike

Deliver a devastating blow, sending any enemies backwards.

Warrior Sub Classes

The Warrior features 3 branching sub-classes that players can upgraded from when they reach level 30 on their chosen class.


Berserker is an sub-class for Warrior


  • Blood Craze

    After killing an enemy you gain 25 rage and 30% movement speed for 8 seconds.

  • Rage

    A resource harnessed by Berserker skills, generated through the heat of battle.

  • Bloodlust

    Gain physical damage and lifesteal based on your miss health.


  • Blood Thirst

    Drain: 20 Focus, 50 Rage

    Channel your rage into a devastating two-strike attack, each blow restoring a portion of your health.

  • Enrage

    Drain: 40 Rage

    Enter a frenzied state, harnessing your rage to fuel relentless power.


Knight is an sub-class for Warrior


  • Exhaust

    Exhaust your posture to acquire temporary damage reduction.

  • Fortress

    When using a shield skill tha causes you to block, you can be guardbroken.


  • Iron Will

    Drain: 20 Focus

    While active, you absorb a portion of the damage taken by nearby party members within a certain range.

  • Shield Slam

    Drain: 25 Focus

    Slam the area around you with your shield,generating high threat.

  • Shield Crash

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Charge forward with your shield, hitting and blocking anything in your way.

Sword Master

Sword Master is an sub-class for Warrior


  • Flux

    When you land a attack within your field, you have a chance to gain a stack. Each stack causes your Flicker Strike to hit your primary target an additional time.


  • Flicker Strike

    Drain: 25 Focus

    A piercing strike that,when used within the field,allows you to flicker to your target and chain through all enemies inside.

  • Field

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Place a field that allows Flicker Strike to teleport directly to your enemies.