Rune Slayer WikiClasses

Thief Stats, Skills & Sub-Classes

Thief Stats, Skills & Sub-Classes

This class excels at being quick and attacking at a fast rate wielding daggers.

Increase Stats Per Level

  • Agility+3

    Increases the damage of your bow.

  • Stamina+1

    Increases your max health.

  • Strength+1

    Increases the damage you deal with your sword/axe/spear.


  • Dagger Training

    Unlocks Dagger Weapon

  • Medium Armor

    Unlocks Medium Armor

Thief Passive

As you level up, Thief will unlock more passives, and the Thief currently has 0 unlockable passives.

The Passives for Thief are still being sorted out and will be coming soon

Thief Active Skills

As you level up, Thief will unlock more active skills, and the Thief currently has 0 unlockable skills.

The Skills for Thief are still being sorted out and will be coming soon

Thief Sub Classes

The Thief features 2 branching sub-classes that players can upgraded from when they reach level 30 on their chosen class.


Assassin is an sub-class for Thief


  • Greater Initiative

    Your attacks inflict greater damage when you catch your enemy off guard.


  • Veil

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Veil yourself in the shadows.

  • Shadow Step

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Step through the shadows to get to your target.

  • Gouge

    Drain: 30 Focus

    Once in close range,seize a humanoid target and viciously slash their eyes,leaving them blinded.


Ninja is an sub-class for Thief


  • Sky Rend

    Successfully landing Rising Fang grants you the ability to unleash Sky Rend.


  • Shukuchi

    Makes your dash instant.

  • Rising Fang

    Drain: 20 Focus

    Deliver a swift upward slash that launches both you and your enemy into the air.

  • Rend

    Drain: 25 Focus

    Dash swiftly through your enemies,launching them into the air upon impact.